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Saturday Favourites?

It’s been a hectic week with school starting again.  That’s my excuse, anyway.  Not sure what my excuse was last week.

When I came up with the idea of listing my favourite Etsy items once a week on my blog (an idea I’m sure I stole from someone), I chose Friday because I liked the alliterative quality of the title “Friday Favourites”.  I didn’t really think about how busy Fridays are for me!  It’s a shame that Saturday Favourites doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Anyway, rather than doing what I did last week and just completely forgetting about it, this week I’m thinking it’s better late than never.

And since I struggled through the first week of school this week (it was very hot in our classrooms!), I’m doing a back to school theme for this week’s Saturday Favourites.

This first item is a button I’ve featured before in a treasury, because I think it’s just awesome 🙂  Made by beanforest, this ‘Teachers Are Hot’ button has a double meaning this week – it was 36 degrees celcius in my classroom for the last few days so the teachers (and the students) were literally hot.

Teachers Are Hot button by Beanforest

Isn’t this Robot Children’s Tote Bag cute!  Who doesn’t love robots?  This would make an awesome library bag.  All students at the school I work at are required to have a library bag if they want to borrow books – so why not have one as cool as this?  It’s from Tiges and Weince, where you’ll find lots of other cool stuff for kids.

Robot Childrens Tote Bag by Tiges and Weince

All children need a pencilcase for school.  This Woodland Animals Pencilcase is so cute!  It’s handmade so you know it’s going to be better quality than a lot of other pencilcases (then the children will stop coming to me with broken zips to fix!).  I just love it because I think the picture on the front is super-cute.   It’s made by Pocket Carnival, where you can also find prints and originals of artwork like you can see on this pencilcase.


Of course, once you have a cool pencilcase, you need some cool pencils to go in it!  I just LOVE this idea of personalised greeting pencils by Right Brainy.  You can choose the paper and the message.  Would make a great gift to suck up to the teacher on the first day (hint hint!) but would also be lovely for your children – they will never have to worry about losing their pencils when they are so unique.

Personalised Pencil Greetings by Right Brainy

One last thing…

With Valentines Day coming up soon (are you reading this Matt?), I created an Etsy treasury featuring romantic artworks.  Art makes a lovely Valentine’s gift!  Check it out:

St Valentines Day art Etsy treasury

Have a great weekend!

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Inspire Me Thursday – Labels

Well, it’s been a hectic week, but I’ve finally gotten around to putting up something for this week’s Inspire Me Thursday.  I was lucky this week in that the topic fitted in well with something I had to do anyway – make labels for the wearable art pendants I was finishing for a custom order.

These labels are made with prints of my watercolour artworks.  They feature the name of the pendant (each pendant is titled and signed on the back) and state that the pendant is handpainted (makes a nice touch when giving the pendants as a gift).

I hope the recipient likes them!

In other news, I am thrilled that my Silver White Winter painting was chosen for Timothy Adam Designs’ Etsy Top 10! Check it out – the other items in the Top 10 are well worth looking at as well.

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Friday Favourites

I mentioned in an earlier post that I am addicted to Etsy – not just selling my artwork there, but buying things.  I’ve decided to do a new weekly feature on my blog called “Friday Favourites”, where I list some of the items I have in my favourites list on etsy.

So, here is my first week’s selections!  Please check out the other items these sellers have to offer as well, and remember to support handmade!

First up is this beautiful butterfly tray from Island Girl Pottery.  It’s so pretty it’s almost a shame to cover it up with food!

These earrings from Stone Street Studio are called “Bittersweet”, but I think they’re just sweet!

More jewellery (lots of my Etsy favourites are jewellery – you can never have too much jewellery!) – I just love this Aqua Briolette necklace from The Zen Muse – although I must confess that I have no idea what Briolette means!  I think the colours is just gorgeous.

I love the combination of Science and Art, so when I saw these Jupiter earrings from Desert Artisan I fell in love with them!  (I shouldn’t really be advertising them here because I am totally buying them as soon as I have some spare cash!).  I’ve purchased from Desert Artisan before and the earrings and pendant I purchased were even prettier in real life than in the photo.

I hope you enjoyed my very first Friday Favourites!  (Yes, it’s not quite Friday yet but I won’t be able to get to a computer tomorrow and I didn’t want to wait until next week!)

Don’t forget to stop by these sellers stores to see the other lovely items they have for sale – and buy handmade this Christmas!

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Addicted to Etsy

I have joined Etsy so I will have another outlet to sell my art – with unintended side effects!  I am really addicted to buying stuff on Etsy now.  It’s a fantastic website, so please check out my etsy shop.  I will be selling some handpainted jewellery there very soon.

In other news, I am currently working on a piece for a commission.  I will upload pictures as soon as it is finished, but I am really excited about this one 🙂